Top three tips for small business women

Written by Tiz Porreca, Founder & Director of Amongst Marketing

Trust Your Instincts

Your gut is a battle-hardened warrior. When it whispers, “Hey, something’s fishy here,” listen up! That “icky” feeling? It’s your business’s smoke alarm blaring. Don’t ignore it; grab your fire extinguisher and investigate. Trust that “gut feeling” like you trust your morning coffee (or whatever every you rely on in the morning) - fiercely and without hesitation.

Your gut isn’t just a mood ring; it’s a truth detector, pay attention. Maybe it’s vague language or overly enthusiastic promises. Investigate further. Trust your instincts like a detective following a lead – relentlessly and with a raised eyebrow. When your gut growls, “Danger ahead!” don’t override it with a polite smile. Say no to that shady collaboration, that client who wants you to work for exposure (because exposure doesn’t pay the rent), or that networking event where everyone’s wearing snake oil cologne.

Your gut is your bouncer – let it kick out the riff-raff.

Know Your Worth

Imagine your business is a killer pair of shoes. You wouldn’t sell them for pennies, right? The same goes for your business. Don’t underestimate yourself. Know your value and guard it fiercely. When you ask for what you want, do it with the swagger. You’re not begging; you’re asserting dominance.

Research your market, calculate your costs, and slap a price tag on your brilliance. When a potential client raises an eyebrow, hold your ground. Remember, you’re not selling knock-off handbags in a back alley; you’re offering top-tier services. Own it. Negotiating is a dance. Know your moves. Practice saying, “That’s my final offer” or “That’s my fee” without flinching. When a client tries to haggle you down, channel your inner negotiator.

You’re not bartering for knick-knacks at a 2nd hand market; you’re securing your empire. Negotiate like a boss – firm and unapologetic.

Master the Art of NO

Picture a superhero cape – that’s your “No.” Wave it proudly. Say no to discounts that insult your brilliance – you’re not a dollar store. Reject requests for freebies like a bouncer at an exclusive club. And that client who sets off your internal alarm bells? Politely escort them to the exit. Your business isn’t a charity; it’s a VIP lounge.

So, chin up, “No” is your power move. Saying no isn’t a weakness; it’s a superpower. Set boundaries like a velvet rope at an A-list party – only VIPs get in. Your business, your rules!


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