Review of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules on Female-Led Small Business

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman is examining the impact of the implementation of the 1 July 2022 changes to the Commonwealth Procurement Rules on small and family businesses.The changes are: 

  • unbundling of major projects where appropriate 
  • right-sizing insurance requirements and not requiring a business to take out the insurance policy until the contract is awarded
  • allowing the Department of Defence to source directly from SMEs for contracts up to $500,000 
  • requiring that 20% of Commonwealth procurements by value be sourced from SMEs 
  • requiring that procuring officials consider a procurement’s broader impact on climate change when undertaking a value-for-money assessment.


On behalf of our members, Entrepreneurial & Small Business Women Australia is making a submission to this ASBFEO inquiry.
We would like to hear from you on how these changes have impacted you or will impact you.